a place to change gears
a place to clean your teeth
a place to lose your keys
a place to brush up
a place to get hold of yourself
a place to casually run into others
a place of no hierarchy
a place to shine your shoes
a place to recover from stress
a place to charge up
a place to pump milk
a place to change diapers
a place to space out
a place to sort your handbag
a place to write messages
a place to change your shirt
a place to wash
a place to cry
a place to tell jokes
a place to refresh your make up
a place to check up your toupé
a place to find your keys
a place to escape for 5 minutes
we have sorted the innmerable functions
and experiences which are associated
with washrooms in an office setting
into four room typologies (there may be
more): the cell, the diwan, the cosmetic
table, and the open washroom. Since most
of the functions affect everybody, we
have not made a diffrence. In compensation,
the toilet rooms are fully private.
It's not just a question of what an object
is, wether it is well proportioned or
beautiful, or wether one can read the joy
and the care in its crafting. This is of
course important. But it's also a question
quality of everyday life of people; how
well it celebrates the lives of its users.